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Dream Chasing

Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.

Dream Chasing

By: Briana Juarez


I don’t ask questions, I know this life is not easy but who said it would be?

You think smoking weed, Your mind will be free.

Just cause you got a gun life is not guaranteed, Understand you taken the wrong routine, I just want you to succeed.

You too young to be smoking that green you don’t need. Why not chase your dreams?

         Oh Wait! You think you’re a G ? A gangster or a graduate?

Every student making A’s stays on top of the list and those gangsters who are caught up in the gangs theres hopeless dreams

They’ll probably end up locked up, buried in graves or having trashy jobs

           Cops will be chasing them on every stop. They will be hitting that blunt driving a stolen car.

               But on the other hand a graduate will be chasing them on a police car.

Don’t be waisting your time, now that you’re young write down your plans.

You only have one chance then you’ll become an adult, I’ll give you one choice

   Study hard T-2-4 and you will get endless results

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