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By: Apryl Murphy


I have a dream,

So do you,

But this dream,

There’s something special,

About it,

It’s one worth fighting for,

Without anybody telling me what to do,


A full blooded Indian,

Becoming a famous writer,

That’s my special dream,


A dream doesn’t come to you,

You have to go to it,

Working hard,


And determination,


My dream is unique,

My dream is my dream,

But I have many,

No limits,

Of what I want to do,


I hope I accomplish my dream,

But along the way,

It’ll be rough,

People telling me I can’t do it,

People telling me to do something else,

People telling me to do something better,

   But it just gives me another reason,

To show them I can do it,

I can do it,

Because it’s me.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (0%)
  • Smile (6%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (1%)
  • Inspired (93%)
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