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Dreams Of You

Dreams Of You

By Ja’Quan Battle

As I fall asleep
I see you in my dreams.
You’re the light that shines on me
with your care and trust.
I’m seeing the truth past your soul
as we place ourselves and gaze into each others eyes.

Then we start to connect
you said everything will be alright.
I knew you would tell me all that’s true
but what I didn’t know….
was that I’d see your face.

As I lay here thinking of you
As I lay here dreaming of you.
I’m frightened, frightened, frightened to see you in my dreams
frightened I tell you
frightened as a lonely person in the woods!

Now I understand the meaning of you being here
like an animal talking in a story
that let’s me know you still see me.

I wish on a shooting star to see you
Dreaming of you was my wish.
I seen you so it came true
now that I have dreams of you.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (6%)
  • Smile (1%)
  • Somber (1%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (90%)
  • Inspired (1%)
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