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Drug Deals & Soccer Fields

“Drug Deals & Soccer Fields”

By: Raven Richmond (Wonder Bread)

It all starts with a hand shake

Drug dealers taking over a children’s place

The passing of drugs is confused-

with the passing of soccer balls

Soccer field, soccer field

Always turned into a drug deal, drug deal

Such a sad, sad place

for you and me

Players inhaling the smell of fresh air

But it’s masked will something else

what could it be


The smell of weed

‘Cause soccer fields, soccer fields

Always turned into drug deals, drug deals

Molly, Purp, as well as others

take the attention from what is


The children that come from different

neighborhoods and backgrounds join together

Like MLK wanted

to share one common thing

the Love of Soccer

But, no that’s what people now a days think is cool

Think that drugs are better than expanding the human mind

So sad, but hey

Soccer fields, soccer fields

Always turned into

Drug deals, drug deals

This poem makes me...
  • Think (17%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (17%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (17%)
  • Inspired (44%)
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