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By Socorro Jaquez


Dear Lalo,


It brings tear to my eyes

Every time I see you!

This is not you

The brother I knew years back

The only family I had

When no one was there

The only one I trusted

You were my rock


Now you’re like an angry dog

Mad all the time

Now I see you drugged

All the time

I wonder

When will you be good

Not high


You question why do I care?

Why tell you to stop?

It’s your life

Yes, I understand

I was there once


When I was there

I saw mom was hurting

Our mom



Our family

When I was there

You were hurting too

You can’t lie


I stopped

Now I see you in the same path

You might be older

But I’ve been there

And it hurts

I see you out there

Putting things in your body

That can kill you

Mom cries

I cry

We are scared

One day we will get a call

But you don’t even care


I understand

That it is your life

But you are throwing it away

Remember I’ve been there before

Yes we fight

Act like we hate each other

But at the end of the day

We care about one another


Don’t throw your life away

You’re going to end up dead

In jail

You have made the house

A stop and go


Seeing you doing all these things

Makes me think

How I was throwing my life away


Think to yourself

What do you want to do with your life?

Think about how much you love your family

Think about your life


I am hoping you understand

How much you are hurting


And your family

We love and care about you!

This poem makes me...
  • Think (26%)
  • Smile (6%)
  • Somber (15%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (18%)
  • Inspired (29%)
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