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Everything Is Possible

Everything Is Possible
By Sue Vang

For the moment I walked to school
looking at all challenging subjects,that I think it not cool
making me think that someday I will succeed
like a seed that will someday grow for someone needs.

Hearing all teachers always say
“work hard at school will lead you to successful”
it make me feel like my body is melting
like a snowman staying out in a burning hot day.

Like Michael Jordan always say to him
“I failed over and over again and thats why I succeed”

Hearing all the teachers who taught me this
hearing all their hardship to be success
connect to the way of life that my Hmong people have given up their life on the land.
Going through all the hardship with blood that protect the land
and being accepted by other races
and to have our own way of cultures and tradition to practice.

Everything is possible even when it seemed impossible.
“Tsis Txhob tag kev cia siab”














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