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by Phoua Lee

The word “Family.”
He’s the leaves that reach so high,
which sits right on the tree tops.
He’s those fences
that guards the flowers.
He’s those hopes
that keeps us believing.
Although he wasn’t always there for me,
he’s always the legs
that supports us all.
With his soothing voice,
“Me Phoua” is what he blurts out in Hmong

Tick tock, tick tock,
the time ticks
Time runs on his mind
reminding us that time
and life is important,
explaining that culture means identity.
That language is connection,
and that life is holding onto traditions.
Echoing the words
“Family, culture, and life.”
Lecturing through harsh words,
encouraging with praises,
My dad is the sun
that shines through the hardships.
That’s what the word “Family” means.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (1%)
  • Smile (2%)
  • Somber (93%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (1%)
  • Inspired (3%)
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