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by Kealii McFadden-Rios


My family is the best

There is no test

They help me so much

In life, with my problems, homework and etc

But with their words of wisdom they build up my kingdom


Now my second family is crazy

But they’re wild, cool, and sometimes lazy

Still they’re great

And we got our own state

The leader is Mr. Peck

He’s the best there is with helping us, teaching us, and having fun with us

He takes us on a learning bus

Helps when things get too hard

He makes it so easy like he’s playing cards

After there’s us who drive him crazy

Because we’re so lazy

But we do our best

To get A’s on our test

Make him proud

So he’ll let us be loud 

This poem makes me...
  • Think (5%)
  • Smile (18%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (72%)
  • Inspired (5%)
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