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Family to Me

Family to Me

by Keoni Barco

Family has always taught me that we all are different and have different cultures.
It’s good to have different cultures, don’t be ashamed of how you look or act because we are all the same, just going through this process.
The circle of life.


We all fight, we complain

we dont give up so soon

we just try our best before we rest

then when it’s dinner time we get dressed

we all wait before we eat

because Grandma and Papa are coming to eat

we all ate

we all laughed

it’s like it  will never last

we all say goodbye

we love you too

we all hope that we can see you soon.














This poem makes me...
  • Think (7%)
  • Smile (58%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (7%)
  • Inspired (28%)
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