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Favorite Person

Favorite Person

By: Febe R.

Her favorite person in the world, she will always be his little girl.

He tucked her into bed and kissed her goodnight, thinking to him self what a beautiful sight.

Pushed her on the swing and made her feel like she’s flying.

He loved to see her close her eyes and scream of fear because he knew he would always be there.

He taught her how to ride a bike and helped her when she couldn’t do it alone, she cried “daddy don’t let me go”

He healed her bruises when she fell and told her don’t be scared.

Dad and her were the best of friends they seem to always be on the same page despite the difference in age.

He was the only person that could put a smile on her face, she was daddy’s little princess and he was her king.

No one could come between them even if they tried.

Though he wasn’t always with her she said she understood.

He’s still not ready to let her leave even though now she’s sixteen, she’s still his little girl and he’s still her favorite person in the world.

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