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Fear Threatening

By: Twyla Battle

Fear is always there

Threatening  to pull me down

Just a few lying thoughts

NOT taking me under the ground

I am drowning

Unable to keep my head above water

The really dark deary water


The enemy I know is sneaky

I don’t give my attention that it ask for

Fear is always there

Threatening  to pull me down

My enemy that i know is tall

With colorful clothes  on


I say “Enemy Why

Why are you my enemy ”

So I just look straight at my enemy

With his bright clothes on

So I face my fear

And I stand up to my Enemy

In a really dark room

Then a bunch of lights came on

So I took a deep breath

And face my fear towards “Clowns”

This poem makes me...
  • Think (9%)
  • Smile (17%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (30%)
  • Inspired (43%)
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