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Fight for Peace




A small city full of violence

Thugs on every corner leaving single moms to yell stop the violence

The sound of gunshots followed by police sirens

Down Calumet Ave. we walk in silence

We plead for change

Yet work for change

Hoping for the world to change

We give love to our society yet thirst for the same in exchange

It’s strange

How every part is not the same

Lake fronts to bring peace to escape the heat

The wavy sand forms in the cracks of our feet

Is it me ?

Or did life really change where we became thought of as free

We pay the fee

Through all the pain from hearing the stories of how our ancestors were being beat

It starts with me

I fight for change to change the rate of violence in our C-I-T-Y

I Fight For Peace.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (1%)
  • Somber (1%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (1%)
  • Inspired (90%)
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