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Finish Strong

Finish Strong

by Janna Collins


When someone you love is going to leave you—

There’s nothing really you can do,

Plenty of miles away

The thoughts that count all decay.


But keep on going

Don’t stop now,

Keep going on strong

And achieve your goals.


I’ve cut my grass

I bet you can see the snakes.

But I’ma keep moving on

With venom in my veins,

The poison inside me kills me

Slowly losing strength.


I’ma keep going on

I’m not going to stop now,

I’ma keep fighting strong

and achieve my goals.


I’ma finish up strong

Like a champion,

not showing fear.


Fe… Fi… Fo …

Oh silly me,

Crushing the weak people

with my little feet.


Climbin’ to the top

Not looking back—

I made it so far,

I can’t just turn back!


Making my way up

“I told you so!”

Finally finishing—

I proved you guys wrong.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (33%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (11%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (33%)
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