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Fire! Warm As Love…

Fire! Warm As Fire…

 by Leo Sanchez

Round and round the fire we walk

Our lips are silent but our eyes do talk

Exchanging vows as we take our turns

7 times around this fire that burns

And as my dream becomes reality today

Here my love is what I would say…

I will love you unconditionally till my very last breath

I will support your dreams today until our death

I will walk when you walk and carry you when you tire

I will work tirelessly to make reality your every desire

I will be faithful to you as I always have been

I will laugh with you and cry with you as all humans do

I will never let you down my love

For we are forever more

To never be separated ever again

I will love you now and all

Now turn down the fire

And let the day end

So we can once again

Love each other …

You are forever my sunshine

And my beautiful last glimpse of light

I can’t stand to sleep

But I can’t wait to see your face in the morning

Our fire is warm

And never needs tinder


My sweet kind ember from our fire…

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  • Feel a Connection (22%)
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