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Friend Or Foe?

My Dear Friend Or Foe?

By Yesenia Palma

I walked along the grassy plains, others joyfully skipping about.

The Lavender swishing to and fro’ from the winds’ violent shove.

The sun cowering behind the clouds; making land cry

Oh my Dear Friend or Foe?

There were people running!

The staining streaks began to fall upon the faces of many.

Oh how they didn’t care!

Blackness poured into thy heart.

The downfall, washed away all the green- the disgusting trust.

The day showing gray, yet blue-

I thought I could trust you my dear Friend, how can I call you such thing?

The sweet air slowly turned- from bitter to foul. A soul being sucked up.

A lonely figure lay dead still. The weather slowing the scene.

Life was decomposing, slowly, like being eaten from the inside. Taking a knife to the heart as they say.

Oh far too late! All ceased, and fate was destined at the fiery hellish gates.

You’ve just realized- haven’t you? The heart is brittle, however you have just crushed it.

Be careful what you wish for- it may just become an actuality.

Mission accomplished, you murderer.

This poem makes me...
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  • Somber (15%)
  • Surprised (22%)
  • Feel a Connection (22%)
  • Inspired (17%)
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