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Friends Never Say Goodbye

Friends Never Say Goodbye

     By:  Jessica Platero

The stuff we talk

And the way we shop

Laugh ’til we can’t stop

The gossip we spill

The looks we kill

To have each other’s back

To the morning get facts

To cheer downs

We can’t get the clowns

Like we want to go to the next town

True friends are for always

Through your smile and your cries

A friend will never leave you

Until the end of time

That will never cost a dime

It’s love that lasts forever

So we’re crazy together

We kept every single secret and

Covered every lie

Friends until the day we die

True friends stay together

And never say goodbye

This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (6%)
  • Somber (51%)
  • Surprised (2%)
  • Feel a Connection (29%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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