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By Michaellina Morgan 

Tanna, Neecy, and I
were the best of friends
in the whole wide world.
Our friendship was like
mother earth, who could
not be torn apart.
Trevor, Tyler, and Tristan
Were also friends of ours.
We would play basketball.
Together, we would run cross country
and play baseball.
Tanna would send
 the baseball flying
out of the park.
The ball flew away
from the bat.
Neecy would always
Win the race. She
would run fast just like
a cheetah
sprinting home.
Tyler would come in
second for the race.
He was like a horse
running from dogs.
The sound of horse
beats on the
ground, sounding like a
Trevor was like a
calculator. He would
ace all his
math quizzes.
Tristan and I
were into basketball.
Running up and down
the court.
The sound of the ball bouncing
and the smell of sweat.
He was a rose.
He was soft hearted,
 lovely and sweet.
He would always let me win.
In the middle of the day
we would fight
over things that
are never important.
In the end we had our
fights and problems.
But would be like
May in the summer.
Friends having
joyous fun and
shinning  bright
in the summer sun.
Flowers blowing in the wind,
the cool breeze
giving you the chills
as it creeps up your back.
At the end of the day we
would go our separate ways.
We would all go home and
wait for school the next day,
dream of what tomorrow
 would bring each day.
Friends come and go.
They come in a
million years so
the time you have
each year.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (40%)
  • Smile (20%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (20%)
  • Inspired (20%)
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