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From Nothing

From Nothing

By Emmanuel Vasquez


On nothing now lies a new place

A perfect place built by my parents through hard work

They proved to be successful, it doesn’t matter your race

And now to all the people who told them otherwise, they give a smirk


On nothing now lies a new place

A bakery and restaurant able to feed hundreds without a quirk

A place that now brings hope no person can erase

Proof anyone can do anything as long as they work


On nothing now lies a new place

Which began with a bread oven that for years was cold

brought back alight though people laughed in its old face

They taunted it, despite what my parents told


On nothing now lies a new place

The property was owned by legions of spiders and dust

Vanquished by the proud brown face

Of my Dad who saw gold among the rust


On nothing now lies a new place

He proved his color was not in his way

Now with amazing support he lives with grace

My Dad built a legacy of commitment here to stay

This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (17%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (23%)
  • Inspired (49%)
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