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Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.


by Jose Evaristo


Geo is short name for Giovani

one of my best cousins since i was the size of a baby.

Because we use to play cops and robots every single night until my mom told me to stop coming in home so late. We use to also play with toy guns but

my cousin din’t take it as a game. But just like a cheetah grows old trying to survive in the wild he also got old trying to

survive this miserable world.

Geo is short name for Giovani

well you see my cousin got raised in what is called the “hood” with most of his

homeboys. Yeah he was bad really bad, at age nine those friends he called homeboys started to call him old G gangster,at

age 13 he got his first five bullet silver semi-automatic gun. At age 15 he got his first tattoo that covered half his

brown back. Just like an animal trying to survive from other species, he tried to survive from other cliques.

Geo is short name for Giovani

because every gloomy morning he woke up it was a blessing from god but as soon

as he walked out that door he didn’t know what the world had waiting for him, Giovani the old G gangster with a gun in

his guts. I remember getting those fake tattoos from the corner store and putting them on trying to be like him trying to

talk like him trying to rob like him.

Geo is short for Giovani

because when he pulled a gun full of smoke he didn’t realize he was set up by a homie in the

wrong show. Luckily he survived because he use his “homie” as a shield but when he fell to the ground his homie said

“Im sorry carnal it was either you or me”. Those words rose through his head like the blood rose through his hands. Cliques

every year growing strong seeing who is better who is stronger i remember he told me what he witness and i will never

forget all that he’s been trough he once said “lil cousin i wish i could be like you” and i laugh but now i realize what he

meant by that. Those words change me for who i could have been

Geo is short name for Giovani

because to this day he is still one of my best favorite cousins.

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