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Got to Go

I gtg got no time being a hoe

I gtg get my masters

Maybe I’ll get my bachelor’s

I don’t got time for all this bull

I’m too busy fighting for my rights in school

This school ain’t getting any better

All this fighting, putting kids under the weather

All these sick jokes

Make all of them laugh

but that doesn’t help the kids around the corner smoking crack

I’m tired of watching people spending money

On all these accessories

When we got children in Africa dying of disease?

Nobody reads the newspaper

They don’t see those headlines that I see

They don’t see the economy we’re feeding

The wars we are raging

The hate that’s been spreading

And the governments that are failing

All they see now are

Victoria Secret models that show girls what they should be

Music that’s no different from pornography

And movies that advertise violence on our t.v screens

This is the world we live in

This is what our generation is like

The question is, What are you going to do about it?


I gtg get an education

I gtg and spread salvation

I gtg and Save My World.

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