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Graveyard shift

Graveyard Shift

By Cartier Hunter

My dad has been working the graveyard shift since forever

I don’t remember when he started his shift or where he works so it must have been awhile ago

I think he started his shift before I met my old best friend Jojo

The kids dad who worked staring a four walls all day and he only wore the color orange

That must have been a boring job

I always told Jojo my dad was always better

Cause once a month I get a gift of forty bucks from him

I know it isn’t a lot but it lets me know he’s always thinking about me no matter what

Hopefully his shift ends soon

My mom’s been missing him and shes starting to drink way more apple jucie then usual

And it feels kinda quiet around here without him and his sucba diving gear I know

It looks cool underwater but he always wore his oxygen tank on land he never took it off

I miss the look of his racing chair he never left

It had four wheels went super fast and he had a spot for me or his oxygen tank on the back

I remember racing people in wallmart with that chair we never lost

But till he returns I’lll just sit here and watch some old videos of him from way back

So far back that I wasn’t born and he didn’t even carry his scuba gear like a weirdo

He didn’t even have his racing chair the one chair that looked like it belonged on NASCAR

I guess if i run out of  videos I can wait till it’s bring your child to work day and I can visit him then

I wonder if I impress his boss enough will he let me work with my dad

I wonder if my dad will be happy to finally see me again

If i get the job I wonder will he show me around the area so I can have a reason to walk by his side

Hopefully we can make up for lost times

Maybe on bring your family to work day ill get to see my long lost brother and sister

I was always told they were lost at birth but hopefully on bring your family to work day

They can get a compass and find their way to me so

We can all be together for once.

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