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Growing Up On Wilcox Street

Growing up on Wilcox Street
Was enjoyable.
All the kids
Played outside until the street
Lights came on.
If they stayed out any longer they were
Going to be in BIG trouble.
The mud felt slimy in my hands
As my friends and I made
Mud cakes at the park.
And the sound of us screaming when our
Neighbor’s dog barked.“roof”
The smell of barbecued ribs
And hot dogs
Filled the air.
Everybody on Wilcox Street got along so
It wasn’t a problem to share.
When I seen the
Blue skies turn gray.
I knew it was going to rain.
But I stayed outside and played
I ran to the ice cream truck when I
heard the tunes play.
Everyday on Wilcox Street was
A good day.

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