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by Jordan Faumui

   my place

Back to where the sun shines 100 degrees

        Oceans calmer than any mind can ever be

  Where you have the freedom to adventure anywhere


The scorching sun in the day

  When you can hear kids playing

          Under the beautiful, clear, and bright sky

       knowing your way and where you are going

             helping with the yard or advent the wind

        you feel the breeze carry your soul with  it

you sense the spirits walk the land

as you lie down on the moist grass and gaze up into the night sky

    your mind drifts off into the most unrealistic dreams

In your dreams is your place

where you belong

where you came from where

where I am

I don’t need anything more

where you need and want to be

as I think to myself

it is here


my place.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (47%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (5%)
  • Inspired (32%)
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