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Have you ever felt ………..

By: Yesenia Vasquez

Have you ever felt ……

Have you ever felt like you are worthless

That you don’t belong in this world

That you cause a lot of problems

That people don’t care about you

That all people do is bully you

That all people do is laugh at you

That all people do is look at  your scars

That all people so is just ignore you

That all people do is walk away

That all people do is just listen to your problems but they don’t help you

That all people do is pretend that you are a ghost

That all people do is talk behind your back

That all people do is think bad at you

That all people do is just leave you on seen

That maybe all people want to see you dead

That all people will tell others don’t talk to her

That other people just don’t care

That all you do is look at the scars and say nothing

That all you wish is that they didn’t judge you without knowing your story

That All i see is your  scars get deeper and deeper

That All You do is fake a beautiful big Smile

That all people tell you is Are you okay

That all you say is Yes Im  fine

That all you do is lie that you are fine

That all you think of is …

Sick of crying,

Tiered of trying,

Yes im smiling

But inside im dying

That all you just want is to keep that head up

And all you have to do know

is Nothing because they  ignore you

That you don’t have anyone to help you

That’s why maybe i feel worthless

All you see them do is sit by themselves

All you see them do is seeing them write on the mirrors or on their self’s



All i have to do know is fight like a warrior

All you do know is create new scars

All you do know is try to kill yourself

That they just want to jump off a bridge

That they just want to commit suicide

All they do know is start to care

Did you even care at first?


So don’t act like you do know

Know all you do know is …

All i do know is say why should they care?

All they tell you is why?

Your  skin is beautiful

Don’t mess up your skin

All they want to do is wish that they were gone

All  they say is FML

All  they say makes you say

But i don’t get how they first didin’t  care

why im i ruining my skin?

Why im i doing this

You do know those scars stay forever

Have you ever felt  worthless?

Why do you do this to me if you say that you care now?

Have you ever felt worthless?

Now all you do is try to fix that problem and have a beautiful life.

*Suicide is preventable. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, get help today! Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

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