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He Is Up To No Good

He is up to no good

            By: KJB

He is up to no good

He sneaks around like a dog stealing food

He is up to no good

People wait for him to arrive with their goodies

He is up to no good

You don’t want to get caught so nobody snitches unless you want stiches and not even the cops can help you

He is up to no good

He gives you a sign or look

And you know what’s good

So hand him the money

Some will thank him later

Some will die later

Don’t take his goodies

He is up to no good

One day he gets caught right around the block

White and blue lights flashing on the spot

Now it was time to get serious

He is up to no good

With the streets dead and people broke they want their goodies but everyone wondering

How could they do such a bad thing

They thought he was a good guy by making money but yet

Still messing with little girls who still live with their mommies and driving a car with no insurance but around the block he was like a god

While he is gone his kids wondered where is my daddy this couldn’t be happening he didn’t do nothing wrong but gleaning bud and then giving it out to make people happy

Free him

Free him

All I want is my daddy and the rest of my teeming brother and sisters he makes us happy

He is up to no good


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