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Heavy Weight Champion

Heavy Weight Champion

by Kimberly Gonzalez

Regret fills the silence in my preteen purple colored room…

The burns in my mother’s rough fingers, pale hands and tired arms from the labor her children sent her

And the hospital visits she shouldn’t be doing

Because you didn’t choose children with such issues

Children who don’t even have to put hands on your head for your beautiful, golden, soft hair to fall out from stress

And we didn’t even provide you with white, clean tissues

To lay your sorrowful tears

So instead you willingly wipe them off with your dress…

Mother you deserve better

You deserve the beauty of the sky, the stars so high, and the green plains

Not the burden of the heavy world sadness and pain

You deserve roses in your kitchen

Not bills piled up and piledĀ up

And doctor visits from things you didn’t chose to fill your beautiful life with

Mother you deserve good children

Children who understand that your time is precious, and your attention is richer than the shiniest gold in the world

And your great effort will one day wear off and we will be regretful…

Mother you lift me

As heavy as I may be, you are like a heavy weight champion to me

How dare I, I’ve been so blind

And selfish out of my mind

Mother you are the tree that gives, gives, and gives

When will we as your children shower you with care and make you be proud of what you’ve invested something so much time in

Like an artist at work…

I hope to live to give back to you

As much and more than you gave to me

My giving tree

How I love thee

This poem makes me...
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  • Smile (36%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (20%)
  • Inspired (16%)
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