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Help Out The Poor

Help Out The Poor
by Jhabari Cole

How do you feel when you see poor people?
Why do you feel that way?

How I feel about it.

It’s like when I see a poor man or woman I have a lot of weight on me and I feel somber when I see them.


Because you know how it feels when you mom tells you to “come in the house, it’s getting dark” and you go inside.

Poor people don’t have a decision to come in the house.

You have a lot of things and they don’t.

They probably got played or set up or it all just went wrong.
Because if you think about it, poor people are regular people.
They all had a chance.
They all were in the classroom learning.

Poor people didn’t just become poor.

Something happened.

I was walking into the store and I saw a man with a cane.
I gave him five dollars and he said, “God bless you young man” and I just tip toed back with my mom.

Ever since I’ve never joked about the poor because you never know.

Your parents can lose their job and go straight broke and end up losing everything and they might end up poor.


How do you feel when you see poor people?

This poem makes me...
  • Think (18%)
  • Smile (9%)
  • Somber (9%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (18%)
  • Inspired (36%)
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