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by: Amyah Ward

My Granny always taught me

To keep money in my pocket,

At all times.

She always said, “Let me know if you need a couple of dimes!”


I know she means the best

And wants me to shine,

But sometimes I forget about the things

She tries to grind in my mind.


My granny is always smiling,

And grinning, and joking on me.


I sometimes wish she

Would pass her energy down to me


Once her cancer hit all of this


I would always try to cheer her


As she did, when I was sad;

She would always volunteer


While she was laying

In that hospital bed,

All that was running through my head was

“Make her smile and she will be fine”


After all, all you need is

“A couple of dimes!”


She made it through the cancer

She’s smiling once again,

And everything in my life is okay, I guess.

And I try not to go insane


So I try not to

Show my



I will always


my Granny,

And it will always be fine


She always told her that I would be her


This poem makes me...
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