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By: Matthew S. Martin


My mom always tells me to always remember the good, wonderful memories.

This person has given me love and protection.

He is kind-hearted and my hero.

Heroes are born with creative minds.

He fought for our country 3 times.


Heroes have a long future ahead of themselves,

They are one step ahead.

Even though the ones we lost,

Respect your hero.

And my heroes are my parents.


Especially my Dad.

He is the one.

He is… my hero.

But this hero is not like your heroes,


His voice is like silk.

Sometimes his voice puts me to sleep.

Even though we all fall,

We fall together.

Even heroes.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (80%)
  • Smile (7%)
  • Somber (2%)
  • Surprised (2%)
  • Feel a Connection (5%)
  • Inspired (2%)
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