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His Thick Black Jacket

His Thick Black Jacket

By: Madison Barnhill

His thick black jacket,

Sweat down his face.

Running through streets,

Bright neon shoes all tied up.

His thick black jacket,

Blowing in the wind that tress gave him.

Out of breath, he wants to stop but doesn’t.

His thick black jacket,

Slowing him down as he pushes through.

His skin like a sponge absorbing heat.

His thick black jacket,

Soaking wet.

Drenched with warm-blooded sweat,

He waves to the kids as he heads towards the end.

His thick black jacket,

In the sunlight hanging up.

It sits there until he is up again.

His thick black jacket,

Telling a story,

Push through and never give up.

He rambles down the street,

Feeling as if he taught a life lesson.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (33%)
  • Smile (50%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (17%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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