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Home Isn’t Home

Home Isn’t Home

By: Eduardo Martinez 

Every day

Every single day not wanting to go home

Not wanting to go home,

because it feels dark, sad, scary,

you feel fear as you walk home .

Every day its hard ,

its hard knowing your neighborhood smells like blood,

and when i am “Home” its just so depressing,

when I get home i don’t feel my self

we are a very weak


We argue, we argue and we don’t have family time,

I wish my family was more

Connected and caring.

I only wish to go home to that perfect loving family,

where we are all connected  but,

It’ll never be that easy because

here at home there is

Horrible Days.

That you just gotta put headphones on to not listen

to the mess going on in the living room,

Home isn’t as peaceful as i

Thought .

Its really funny how school is more like home

I never wanna go home i’m afraid of  home

Im afraid of missing one day, or one of us.

I don’t wanna be here its full of crap,

I just wish when I got home

for them to believe me when

I tell them where

I Was.

But it will never be like that and thats why home just feels unsafe

Ive always wanted to dream for just once

on how life would be if I just was


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