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Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
By: Sophia Atkins


The very first time I saw it
It was a broken down old house
We came around,
Fixed it all up,
And the house became
A Home

With the fig bush in the
Back, and the
Garden in the

Two sheds;
One made of cinder blocks,
And one made of wood
With a boxer’s dog pen beside it.

Painted mailbox in the front yard
Pecan tree in the side one;

Main Coon cat creeping in
The shadows

The magnolia tree, off to the side,
Swaying like a wind-blown cloud
With its lemon-smelling flowers

Crops surround the yard;
Cotton there, normally
The cat likes to hide in the
Plants, cool and shady

Home is where the heart is
My gramma had a poster saying that
And I daresay it’s true
‘Cause that’s definitely
Where mine is

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