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By Isabel Perez-Ituarte


My escaping place

Where a piece of my heart

Will always exist


Where I spent my days

Growing up and


More and more about the land


I still go there now

To breathe in the air

All around me

As I step out while the sun rises


I walk down

The lonely, dirt path filled with trees and flowers

Down to the river

As I think to myself


I look across

The rushing, flowing, dark-brown river

And think of my grandfather

Deep in the hard, cracked, ground on the other side


As I walk back

I look at the people

At the houses

And say to myself ’’This is my true hometown’’


I walk across the dirt

To my mother’s old school

Which was once full of children

Now deserted


I see rusty slides

Broken swings

Dirty tin tunnels

Paint chipping off once-gray annexes


I walk past the houses

As the Sun is setting


While the sky explodes with vibrant orange and red


I investigate

The rolling, green-filled mountains

As they guard and protect the sun

From the Moon slowly coming up


I reach my grandparent’s house gates

And look back

And try to memorize

All that I have experienced


I walk across the front yard

And lay down

As I swallow up

All of this beautiful, exquisite place


My heartland

My special place

My true escape from reality

Coscomate, Durango, Mexico

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (21%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (26%)
  • Inspired (26%)
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