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By: Jacilynn Charley

People In the cold are homeless,

The weather

Is as cold as ice, they

Freeze and die,

No one knows where they are,

Not even

Their families, their families don’t care

About them, they rather

See them

Starve and die

On the

Cold street of a

City or town


People in the cold are homeless,

Like Harold,

He walks around acting like he wishes

he was

Not alive anymore.

He puts his

Head down like

 A wet rag in a bucket.

Hoping that

He would stop

Drinking and sleep in

A warm house with a warm

Bed with his wife that would

Cook for him


Morning & night.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (24%)
  • Smile (6%)
  • Somber (45%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (6%)
  • Inspired (12%)
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