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How Can You?

How Can You?

by Nallely Vargas

How can you be like that ?
to that person thats always been there?
through your bad moments and your good moments how can you?
she loved you
she begged for you
she did the greatest things for you
but for what how can you ?
how can you leave her like that?
every night she cried her self to sleep and you will act like nothing happened how can you?
months pass look at her now
she sparkles
she’s better
she got it together
she brought this amazing child that you didn’t want how can you ?
now you come back
ask for forgiveness you begging to see your child
that once you said he’s not mine i don’t want him at all
how can you ?
now she has her guard up she stays strong
she knows what’s the good thing to do now
she knows that she can do it by her self
now he asks himself i could’ve said no.

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