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How I Feel

How I Feel
By: Michael Her

I’ve been through a lot,
of pain and fears.
My heart falls when those memories come back
I get to let my audience know
that I been through the same as them.

I draw my daily life everyday,
it’s entertainment! Yet,
that’s what I do.
I have talents that I’m proud of, and you should to,
should tell you not to.

Life is like a road,
you’ll never know what obstacles will get in your way.
My pain are arrows striking my heart.
I felt as if my soul is looking for a desire,
to live!
I do, and
its my audience and people in my lives!
That kept me going.
Sure I regret what I’ve done in the past
I’ll move on.

This poem makes me...
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  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (25%)
  • Feel a Connection (25%)
  • Inspired (25%)
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