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How my days go

At 5:00 am i wake up too start my day at U.S Grant.
I get out of bed and walk straight to the bathroom and brush my teeth.
After brushing my teeth i eat some breakfast.
After breakfast i get ready for school i do my hair/makeup.
After all that’s done i wait for the bus on the corner of my street.
The bus gets there too pick me up at 6:20.
I get on the bus and we go to several other stops.
After everyone is picked up we head too the school.
When we get to the school we all get off the bus.
I walk in the school we have too lay our bags on a table too be searched for safety.
I lay my bag on the table and i proceed forward and walk through the scanners.
After I’m all clear i walk too the breakfast room and sit down with my sister.
The bell rings we are being released from the breakfast room, as we walk down the hallway teachers are smiling and ready too teach us.
in my opinion my high school is so boring,its not fun, its very slow.
I trained at a young age too play basketball.
Homework is complicated but i always work through the hard times.
Reading textbooks is boring but i still do it.
Taking test is hard but i try my best.
I heard the education system is rising.
I believe its all true.

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