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I Don’t Know

I Don’t Know

By JJ Payne

I Don’t Know
I am a puzzle that I can’t solve
I rack my brain for answers but come up empty
If I can’t figure me out then how can anyone else

I Don’t Know!!
I have no idea who or what I am
How am I going to know who I am In the future that is so close
You expect me to be something that maybe I’m not

I Don’t Know!!!
I don’t know why I did it
So why do you think you know
I may not just want to tell you why
I just want to be left alone
I want you off my back

The words are colliding inside
What to say or do for every choice
Stop the throbbing Bang Bang Bang!!!
Its do this and that I’m being pecked and torn
You want this she wants that
Do you have me in mind
Is what I think and feel matter

You Don’t Know!
All you know is what I tell you
Don’t make up all these theories
Your eyes shift all around
The judgment filling the air
You just can’t figure out why
You have no idea
Your ears burn like coal for a response
You are the child that can’t help but to move
But you, even with all that
You can’t figure me out because




This poem makes me...
  • Think (22%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (22%)
  • Surprised (11%)
  • Feel a Connection (33%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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