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I Knew This Guy

Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.

I Knew This Guy

By: Marisol Macedo

So i knew this guy

He kept his secrets like a cougar haunting its prey

Quiet but then exposed….

I found out the truth of a life that seemed so perfect, but wasn’t

When i looked into his eyes, i saw pain…

 I could tell he was afraid of the past haunting him

The stories of heroin needles shooting through his arm

How going to football games stoned as hell was the only way to get away from pain

And how acid was just the only way to trip out of this world and go into a new one.

I told him

“Baby those days are long gone away”

He looked at me, with a big kool-aid smile and said

“What would i do with out you”

Months and months of amazing memories pass by

The type of memories you would never forget even if you tried

Happiness that i have never felt before

Love that felt so real, and so right

From every touch

And every kiss

It was 9 months to be exact

I never wanted it to end cause if it was a crime to love him i’ll stand convicted

That right there was my life…

The arguing occurred

We were arguing like cats and dogs

I thought we would make it

But sadly we didn’t

Crying through so much pain

I felt like i was dying at some point

Slowly and painfully

So much i can not forget

He’s the reason i don’t trust

Till this day

I look at him and say….

Where did i go wrong?

What did i do to deserve it all?

So the guy i used to know

Is now just a stranger

That once meant the world to me

Who i called my boyfriend and best friend

Looking at me with such hate every time i step into a room.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (18%)
  • Smile (9%)
  • Somber (9%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (55%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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