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I Know Who My Real Friends Are

I Know Who My Real Friends Are

By: Me’Dona Summers


I had a friend

we were going to be best friend till’ the end.

we giggled, laughed, and played together.

we always made each other feel better.


Along came a new girl.

quiet,pretty ,quite popular.

everyone else saw something I didn’t see in her.

she was mean, cruel, and so self centered.

then I started to see I can’t be friends with her.


The next day I hear ha ha ha

You’er filthy, ugly, and not pretty, and fat

all these things hurt my feelings in fact.

i have cried, yelled, and ignored

But now I can’t take it no more.


I talked to my old friend.

she doesn’t talk to me no more.

she doesn’t even look my way or say hey

i don’t understand I thought we were friends

she said oh yeah, well if we were friends you’d at least say hey how’s your

day even look my way, we don’t even giggle, laugh, and play anymore that’s why

we are not friends anymore

but I never topped believing we are friends.

i need someone to talk to

i can’t hold this much in but all I need is a friend.


she gave in and talked.

we told adults and teachers and guidance counselors.

new girl was stopped.

we are so not friends no more and old friend is still my friend so far

Now I know who my real friends are.







This poem makes me...
  • Think (14%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (14%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (43%)
  • Inspired (29%)
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