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I Miss My Bro

by Reagan Little Dog
Standing Rock Reservation, SD

Missing someone is not in your family
You miss someone only if you miss him a lot
Sometimes I just feel lonesome and he’s in my every
Thought I can’t stay with my bro cuz I’m sad and I feel blue
I miss you cuz you are the one out
I miss you cuz you help solve my problems and I feel lonesome
When I lay in your room
I love you a lot bro you are in my every thought
Sometimes my body shuts down everyone yells around
In my head sometimes we all miss you even Jodi, and mom
And when Jodi is not around I sleep in your room
When she’s gone and I miss both of you when you guys are together

This poem makes me...
  • Think (33%)
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  • Feel a Connection (33%)
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