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I Remember…

By Kiara Rascon -Rodriguez


I remember…


When I got stolen

Other girls stay home

I went to school


Other girls want to

be felt sorry for

I kept it to myself.

For Now.


Other girls cry I stood


I know it’s hard but


Some girls are poor

other girls are



Girls who have a

home, food, water

are lucky.

So if you got a new

phone, computer, a tablet.


Whateves. No One Cares.


Blah… Blah… Blah


“My mom is rich

My dad has a good



Well good for you

and your family


Some people don’t

have it

A mom or dad


Some children are

missing both.

So take what you


Appreciate your mom,

your dad, your teacher,

your friend or anyone



Some people don’t

even have a home.

Well isn’t that sad

people can’t afford


That’s part of life.


“Well honey ain’t nobody

got time for those $5

pedicures. Here take

my credit card.”


Well girl I’ll tell



“Ain’t nobody got

time for those $200

manicures. Well can’t

you just take what

you have.”

The richy rich

got sad because

she felt sorry.

Don’t be.


Well you heard the lady

Be glad you’re alive, young,

you have a phone, or



Just don’t forget to

be appreciative.  


Some people are illegal

Including my parents


Some of my family

had to cross the

Colorado River


My sister was 1.5

months old when that



Families are separated

for years.

All the lives are so




People live for some

reason. To fight, to

wait, to go to school.

So I’m Hispanic

My parents were born

in Mexico
My mom is afraid

to drive

It’s silly but



My family is strong.

My brother, my sister, and

I have all different dads.


Some people get lucky.

They got papers. They are


My sister will struggle to

get a good education.

My brother and I

are citizens.

We were so lucky

to get that opportunity.


So take what you have

Save it, appreciate it, love it. 


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