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I Wish

I Wish

By: Amonae Rojas

Oh how I wish my life was a circus,

purple dinosaurs walking around yelling ”cotton candy for sell,”

clowns wearing black and purple pajamas

juggling bowling pins on tricycles.

I wish I could eat popcorn and drink soda for breakfast,lunch, and dinner,

 I wish I could see mice chase elephants or lions jump through hoops of fire,

I wish I could see flashing lights and get a chance to pop a few balloons or scream and shout,

but all of that remains in my imagination

 Instead i have a cat and a bird

no elephants or mice

and the closest thing i have to a clown is my brother.

The only screaming or shouting is coming from my grandmother

I can’t have popcorn or soda all i get to have is veggies and water

nothing in my imagination will come true

I wish it would

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