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I’ll Just Do The Same

I’ll Just Do The Same

By: Keira Martin

Do you really want to know why I act this way toward you?

It’s because I treat you the way you treat me.

You wanna be mean?

I’ll do the same.

You wanna be bipolar?

I’ll do the same.

You wanna front on me when you’re in front of other people?

You wanna act like there’s nothing wrong?

As if what you’re doing is okay?


I’ll just do the same.

See when I was little, I was told to treat others the way they treat me.

And so far they don’t like how I’m treating them.

By the way I’m talking directly about you

You wanna treat me this way?

Guess what?

I’ll just do the same…

This poem makes me...
  • Think (32%)
  • Smile (5%)
  • Somber (11%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (42%)
  • Inspired (5%)
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