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I’m In A Mirror


I’m In a Mirror

By: Kaidon Begay

One day my brothers took me to the movies.

We watched the movie just last year.

After the movie we ate at some place.

Later we went home.


It’s almost like I’m looking in the mirror.

He’s like the month of June.

He is as strong as a lion in the wilderness.

He is as joyful as a fluffy bunny.


He helps me with what I need help with.

We play zombies late at night

He almost sounds like me.

His hair is as long as mine.


He reads almost all the time.

He’s a really good writer.

He’s a senior, I will miss him.

He’ll be going to college next year.


I will miss him a lot.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (10%)
  • Smile (45%)
  • Somber (5%)
  • Surprised (10%)
  • Feel a Connection (23%)
  • Inspired (8%)
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