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I’m Never Alone

Never Alone
By Thomas Running Hawk
Standing Rock Reservation, SD

Never alone
feeling good
driving, playing around
and friends whooping with laughter
being connected
my friends are always there
with me
playing games and having fun
laughing at jokes
so hard I can’t breath
cruising around Little Eagle
windows down
shooting Nerf guns
at STOP signs
Playing football in an open field
Tackling, hitting the ground
Catching the ball
Game ending with the
Last touchdown
Gong sledding
At the hill
It feels cold
But that’s part of the fun
Face numb and scared.
Bike riding
Slipping on the ice
Going fast
Having fun
Doing drifts on the ice
Being with my friends
We are having fun
We are wrestling
Playing games, eating
I’m never alone with my friends.

This poem makes me...
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  • Feel a Connection (67%)
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