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I’m Tired

I’m Tired

by:Karis Nelson


I’m tired.

I’m tired of being a stereotype

Just because I’m black doesn’t mean I’m bad!

Why do we focus so much on the color of  skin?

If you cut me, we bleed the same blood.


I’m tired.

I’m tired of all these young men busting sags!

But then get mad when you’re labeled:

A thug, no good, uneducated!

Make a difference!

Show them who you are!


I’m tired,

I’m tired of little girls cutting

Because it seems to be the only way out.

Because no one seems to hear you

When you cry out in the dark

And you feel like you have no one to talk to!

I’m tired of being tired

But are you?




This poem makes me...
  • Think (66%)
  • Smile (3%)
  • Somber (7%)
  • Surprised (3%)
  • Feel a Connection (7%)
  • Inspired (14%)
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