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By Merli Vasquez

Pioneer Charter School


Immigration laws ares just not fair.

It’s not fair because they send them back.

I hate to see people cry because they had to leave their family.

If I was in their spot I would the same thing.

Cry, and cry, and cry until I die

I won’t eat until I die

Immigration laws are just not fair

I hear them scream for help every time they get arrested.

I see their blood running down from getting beat up.

I hear them say ” HELP, HELP, HELP”

I turn around in cry why? why? why?

I see them cry just because their Mexicans

. I say to myself take me, take me, take me

so they can have a better life.

I hear them scream for help every time they get arrested

I hate to see them cry, and scream so loud for help.

Why, Why? Why?

Let go of them in take me.

24 hours of their life is spend on a cage like a animal.

I have a dream they well be sent free

and never hear tears cry or screams.

I hate to see them cry and scream so loud for help.

I say to my self Why? Why? Why?

these stupid rules why why why???

I hear the news that more than 1000 people were send back.

I cry so loud

and say why? not me.

We are all humans

Why do we have these rules that don’t allow us to be free.

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