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In My City

In My City
by Zachaeus Backey

In my city, in my city, what we need to change!
Everyday I wake up or go to bed I hear the sound of terror.

What do I hear you might say?

I hear on the news that one of my own gender has been killed in the street or somewhere else.

When I hear that terrible message all I say is “the world is coming to an end.”

My heart drops then I have hatred for the man who killed the other man.
And if that man has children it reminds me of how I feel when I am not able to see my father face to face because of a dumb man who wanted to be on top.

I wonder why we have to kill our own species instead of uniting as brothers and sisters as God intended us to be.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (31%)
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  • Somber (38%)
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  • Feel a Connection (6%)
  • Inspired (25%)
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