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In The Beginning

In The Beginning 

By: Greilynn Bergonio


In the beginning, I was his night & day

I was his night & day


In the beginning, I would get kisses on the cheek

I would get kisses on the cheek

when I was near or away


In the beginning, the star of the house was me and I

the star of the house was me and I don’t

look back at that and complain


In the beginning, he hugged me, squeezed me so tight I

he hugged me, squeezed me so tight I couldn’t breath


Until one day, there was a little girl, my sister that stole him away

there was a little girl, my sister that stole him away

my sister that stole him away


But a part of thought it would stay the same


Years passed by and I still don’t get near as

much attention


But I guess what good is that I’m

my grandmas new obsessions


What’s new is new, and what’s old is old

he doesn’t say I love you as mush or kisses me that was the past


In the beginning of time and present of day

he’s still my dad

and that makes all the difference.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (44%)
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  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (33%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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